
Living the Good (Busy) Life

So, I haven’t been blogging too much lately, because it’s been a little busy around here. Instead of blogging, I’ve been…

Hosting short-term teams. We’ve had an average of three teams a month for the past few months and we’ve done tons of ministry projects with them. It’s been fun! And tiring, and busy, but really, it’s been fun.

Disciplining my kids. They’ve had a great summer, but all the coming and going of so many new friends (see above), and a disrupted schedule has caused them to flip out a little bit.

Planning for the next couple of months. Jon and I have been talking and dreaming about what we’d love to see happen in El Salvador.

Working with the students in our Discipleship Training School. We have five great students enrolled and I’ve been busy working with the school.

Studying for my week of teaching that’s coming up soon. I’ll be lecturing in the DTS for a week. I’m looking forward to it, but I’ve got 16 hours of material to prepare! Ahhhhhhhhh!

Getting ready to send my kids back to school. They start tomorrow! Woo-hoo!

Covering ten million books, notebooks, and folders in wierd plastic wrap. Ok, not ten million but a whole lot with this strange, thick plasticy stuff. The kids need it for school, and it’s a full time job.

Starting a new ministry in a squatter’s community in the city. At the YWAM base, we’ve “adopted” this community and we are working with the kids there every week. The goal is to keep them from getting involved in a gang.

Hanging out with my sister. She is in town for a week and we have been having a blast!

Sunbathing. Well, not really. But I did go to the beach with my sister yesterday afternoon. But let’s face it, I’m still the palest person in Central America.

Bracing myself for Jon’s upcoming trip to the States. He’s going. The kids and I aren’t. Enough said.

Growing. I feel like this summer, I’ve found my stride a little bit in this country. It’s been almost two years in coming, but I’m feeling good about where I am now, and where I’m going.

Oh, and Jon’s been doing all kinds of stuff too. Like driving all the gringos around, making sure things are good with our immigration documents, taking the CISNA boys to the movies, hanging out with the homeless guys, and dealing with me. Not to mention all the little stuff he does every day.

So, that’s a quick update. It’s been a pretty busy life lately. But a good one. Hope yours is good too.

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