
Beach Day

Today we headed to the beach for some much needed rest and downtime. An opportunity came up for us to go with another missionary family to a beach house for the day to swim in the pool and play in the sand. The past three weeks have been so busy for us, we didn’t even realize how exhausted we really were! The kids had a blast swimming and playing on the beach. It was a great time for them to just let loose and have some fun. After our time at the beach, we stopped by the pier on the way back to San Salvador. The pier down on the coast is where the fisherman bring their catches. It is also a big hang out for surfers from all over the world because of the great waves there. We bought some red snapper and shrimp and brought it home for a delicious dinner. Today was definitely not the way that I typically spend a weekend in December! It is a different life here and as I spent the day listening to the waves and my children playing I can say it’s a life I think I can get used to!

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